Top 20 New YouTube channel ideas in 2019

Not sure where to start the channel? Looking for inspirational ideas for your channel? Developing a business content plan? Don't worry! Our list of Top 20 YouTube channel ideas will help both those who can’t get off the ground and people who are looking for ideas for the future.

But before you implement the ideas from our selection, we recommend preparing the channel - making the correct design and a cool description text.

Ideas for Kids Channels

1. Cartoons. 
This option is the most labor-intensive, but will pay for itself over time. The bottom line is to create simple cartoons with original characters. This format is in great demand, and children can watch their favorite cartoons hundreds of times. You can also download content not of your own production, but for this you need to study the issue of copyright to the material well.

2. Reviews on trending toys. 
New toys come out constantly, and they don’t immediately get on Aliexpress. Here you have a chance to collect the first views without competition.

3. Video about animals. 
It can be cuts from transfers to Discovery or your own content. It is not necessary to devote the video to animals, children will also be interested to watch a video about birds, fish and other representatives of the fauna.

4. Baby products from Aliexpress.
 Aliexpress is a very popular site. If you yourself often order goods from there, you can do reviews on them. New products are constantly appearing in this area, so themes for new videos are provided to you.

Ideas for Women's Channels 

5. Training videos about makeup.
 Many girls can not afford the services of makeup artists, and do not see the point in them. It’s easier for them to watch these videos and learn from them. They also allow you to follow the fashion and what makeup is intended for what occasions.

6. Reviews on cosmetics and other women's products. 
Such videos are also in demand among girls, because they make their life much easier. We recommend doing reviews in an interesting format, but without unnecessary information - only on the topic.

7. Video about manicure and nails.
 Makeup is just a small part of your personal care information. Training materials on applying manicure, especially original ones, will surely find their audience.

8. Video about hair care.
 Proper hair care is a routine. Therefore, many girls are looking for the cheapest, high-quality and time-consuming ways to care for hair.

Travel Channel Ideas

9. Travel Vlog. 
The most common format. These videos are based on your traveler experience, where everything is as it is. You just travel and show it on camera.

10. How to plan a trip. 
Such, at first glance, a simple action requires certain knowledge. Budget planning is not possible if the traveler does not know what awaits him and what he may face.

11. Video about the culture. 
Each country has its own culture and traditions. If these are exotic countries, then you will have a lot of content. It remains only to properly mount the video so that it is interesting to watch.

12. Reviews of interesting places.
 Review interesting places and places of interest. Almost every city has it, so you don’t have to look for it for a long time. We recommend choosing places with a historical past, it’s easier to browse.

Business Channel Ideas

13. 2019 business ideas.
 A selection of the most relevant business ideas in 2018. Modern entrepreneurs monitor trends, so they will certainly be interested in promising areas of business.

14. How to create a startup. 
If you have such an experience, then you can easily talk about how you went this way. If the video contains a lot of useful information, then it will be reviewed repeatedly, which will undoubtedly benefit you.

15. List of the best books on business. 
Many businessmen read a lot and constantly get the experience of other people, so they will be interested to know where to get new knowledge.

16. How to find an investor. 
Such videos will be interesting even to entrepreneurs with money. After all, there is always an opportunity on the horizon for which personal funds may not be enough.

Video Ideas for Beginner Vloggers

17. News digest. 
A theme for weekly issues, where the most iconic events and news on any topic are dedicated.

18. Life-video. 
Going to the store / hospital / cinema, attending an event / tasting / master class and stuff like that. In general, everyday life in an interesting interpretation and with good jokes. Nevertheless, the main thing that interests YouTube users is to have fun and usefully spend time watching new videos.

19. Answers to questions. 
You can collect questions in the comments under previous videos on the channel or create a special topic in social networks and collect a list of questions there.

20. A never-ending stream of ideas for video - search engines.
 Collect queries and popular topics in the services of Yandex.Wordstat and Google Trends.


The main thing is to remember that everything has been said about everything for a long time, written and most likely the video was shot and there are very few unique ideas, so you should not focus only on the originality of the video, it is better to concentrate on HOW you will do it and HOW to present it to the audience. Work more on your presentation and on what is interesting to you personally. Then you are sure to find your audience.

And yet, after the chosen idea is implemented and the video is recorded, think about a good clickbait heading, as well as during the download, do SEO-optimization of the video to get views from YouTube search and possibly traffic from search engines.

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