How to start a blog that makes 140,000 per month (Beginers to Advance Full Course)

Hello! In this article, we will talk about How to start a blog that makes 140,000 per month and what forms of blogging on the Internet exist.

How much you can earn: from $3000 - $4000 per month and unlimited. Minimum requirements: basic knowledge of SEO and copywriting. Is it worth doing: yes.

General knowledge about How to start a blog that makes 140,000 per month

Every person who has heard anything about making money online wants to get paid on their own site. But behind such a seemingly simple way of earning a great deal of work is hidden. Let's figure out how to make a startup on the blog, how much you can earn per month, and what it will take.

It's easier to work with blogs than with information sites. This is because blogging is a bit easier. That is, you can write more interesting and lively articles simply by communicating with readers on your behalf. As well as the blog format, it eliminates unnecessary clericalism and officialism that can play a role for novice copywriters.

Overall, blog earnings are similar to news sites. Just the format of the playground and the feed will be different. In the other difference only in the amount of earnings and ease of reference. In most cases, blogging is easier to do and share. But their earnings will also be less than on the big information sites.

We have written an even more thorough article on How to start a blog that makes $4000 per month

How much you can earn on a blog

This is a rather interesting question that cannot be answered unequivocally. In the initial stages of a blog, for about 5-6 months, you are unlikely to start earning money at all. Especially if you are new. Traffic will be low, search engines will not index all the articles, and readers will not yet know what cool stuff you have.

Subsequently, the number of materials will increase and so will the traffic. This means that the more articles you publish, the higher your income will be. No matter how many views each receives, the number of visitors will still increase.

Experienced webmasters advise to monetize their own projects after 5 - 6 months from the moment of their creation.

Let's try to come up with some specific numbers. Of course, it all depends on the subject, but a blog with 1,000 visitors a day brings an average of 4-5 thousand per month with contextual and banner advertising. This is a small figure, but it can be achieved by having 100 medium articles on the blog or 50-60 qualitative articles.

That is, each thousand unique visitors a day will give you 4 - 5 thousand dollard of income per month. This figure is reached after 50 - 100 articles have been written.

However, it should be borne in mind thay Internet in some subjects gives much lower figures. Here it is necessary to take into account in which niches more expensive advertising.

Who will benefit from this option?

Speaking as a whole, almost everyone can make money on a blog. If you can't write, you can pay the copywriter. If there are difficulties with creation, then you can publish the project, pay the designer and programmer. But for a beginner, this option will not be the best.

Just because you don't know anything, the likelihood of making a mistake will be high. And it is best to do everything yourself, spending only time on it, and use the money either for information or for further implementation of other projects in which you will be more experienced.

So when you create your first blog, keep in mind that you have to spend 2 to 6 hours creating, editing and publishing content, as well as collecting semantics and layout articles. This is quite a difficult job that can pay off or not. After all, running your own project is a real business, and it is without risks.

It's best to create a blog if you have experience in copywriting or SEO. Either of these two directions will allow you to get started faster and avoid newcomer mistakes.

How to Create Your Blog

Now let's move on to How to start a blog that makes 140,000 per month. To create your own blog, you can use a designer, CMS or run it on one of the popular sites. Let's look at each of the options.

Blogging on one of the popular sites is the easiest option. You do not need to create, choose a design and somehow bother. You just sign up for the service and start posting on your behalf. A few years ago, live journal earnings were at the height of popularity. Now the turn over has decreased, but there are still plenty of useful articles.

Earning a LJ is one of the beginner options available where it is best to blog for a living. It is enough to have a small number of subscribers and publish from 10 to 20 posts a week. And you will already be able to place advertising records and receive money for it. Other such sites are not so much for profit, but for the promotion of their own brand. But posts can also be used as hidden advertising.

Blog designers are a pretty handy thing for a beginner. If you don't know how to build websites but want to create your own, you should look for the best one. In the constructor you can design templates, choose how the articles will look, and fill the content of your portal as soon as it is created.

Most designers have a free period that you can spend on feature testing. The price for one medium sized blog is 100 - 200 rupees per month. Adding to this the cost of hosting and domain, it turns out about 2 - 3 thousand  per year.

An option for advanced webmasters is to create a blog yourself. The easiest way to do this is with WordPress. It doesn't have to scratch the code from scratch and do what professional programmers usually do. It's easy to create blogs in this service. There are many instructions on the network about this.

The main plus of WordPress is that you can do a completely unique design and you won't pay for a blog. Yes, despite the fact that the design fee is also small, but it still is. Especially considering that initially you will not get the money for advertising, the first six months - the year will just have to invest.

To create your own blog, choose from three options. The simplest is a great playground, especially if you don't know where to start. The option is simple, but at an additional cost - the designer. The most complicated, interesting and profitable option is WordPress. These are all available options for a beginner to create a blog to earn money from.

I recommend you create your first blog in Designer. It's simple, convenient, and with the promotion has long been no problem. The best option for beginners.

How to fill a blog

Creating a blog is just the first step to making money. You need to create unique and useful content that users will read. And if earlier it was enough for competent SEO optimization and unique texts, now everything is a little different.

Now the SEO is gradually sidelined. There are more and more articles that focus not only on keywords and their placement, but also on material submission and reader benefit. That is why, in order to promote the blog, you must first create useful material. And then think about keywords and optimization.

You must select the main topic of the blog. Narrow specialized portals attract fewer users, but in such niches there is less competition and more opportunities to create quality content. Then you need to work on the topic in the highest possible quality and depth to analyze open sources to attract experts, to sort the information. A regular re-rating will not help here.

In order to properly fill the blog, elaborate on each topic as much as possible, but do not forget about the SEO. Keys and basic optimization remain an important metric.

And also don't forget about the niche. If you choose a topic with high competition, for example, you want to create a blog about earnings, then you are much less likely to get into the TOP. If you choose a narrow topic such as "foot disease", then the chances of winning a competitive game is much greater.

What to make blogger

Like any site, blogs generally make money from advertising. If you create your own blog, then you can integrate advertising. You can use:

Affiliate Programs. Contextual Advertising. Banners. Custom Articles. Own Info Products.

Let's talk about everything in order. Let's start with the two simplest ways to monetize blogs: contextual advertising and banner ads.

Contextual advertising is a search engine ad unit that you see every day on different sites. They bring in money when the user clicks on them. The cost of such a click can be $2 - $10 . On average, 0.5-1% of users click on ads.

Banner ads are pop-ups and inserts in different parts of the pages. These are no longer search engines but private companies. When you work with them, you don't get paid for impressions, but for clicks. If users do not have adblock installed, they will be able to see them and bring you some money. Cost of 1000 impressions varies from $15 to $50 depending on the topic.

If a blog is visited by 1,000 unique visitors a day, you can earn $4,000 per month on context and banners.

Next is the complexity of affiliate programs. They pay you for customer engagement. Here you must use any promotional material yourself for the user to take any action. For beginners, this will be a difficult way to make money, because to be competent to choose a partner, product and advertising creative. But if you correctly approach this issue, then earnings on partners can reach 30 - 40 thousands a month.

Customized articles are also one way of working with partners. However, here you are no longer attracting customers, but simply posting on your portal an article for which you are paid. With such offers, advertisers come much less often, but in blogs, they pay from 200  to several thousand for one similar article.

And the most difficult way to monetize your own blog is to make money from your information products. This is suitable for those who can teach ordinary users something. These can be programming, design, advertising setup, promotion, etc. Anything that may prove useful to anyone can be monetized and marketed. This method of earning money on your blog is suitable only for professionals in their field.

Keep in mind that Info-business is not easy. You need to be well aware of what you are telling your customers. They pay you real money, so it is your responsibility to get them.

Blogging is great for newcomers. It is not as big a responsibility as your own site, and at the same time a good source of income. And because the format of articles is more lively and not so impersonal, it is much easier to write for a blog. But keep in mind that most webmasters lose their first projects: don't be tuned for instant results.

Things to think about before creating a blog

Earning your own blog is a very promising area. You are your own boss, and you can earn money by writing what you love.

And if you have your own sarp, blogging for your business significantly increases your site traffic, according to statistics by 55%. Every time you publish something on your blog, you create another opportunity to find leads.

1. What will you write about in the blog?

The first step in creating a successful blog is choosing the right topic. Is your company entertaining? Traveling? Food? If there is something you have already thought about, or just something you would like to know more about and share your research with others: this might be a good topic for you. Or how about the area of ​​knowledge you already possess? Blogs are a great way to position yourself as an expert in your field.

 The options are truly endless, so have fun choosing your theme and getting to know your audience. Understanding your customer identities can have a significant impact on connecting you with your potential customers. The more your readers can respond to the "voice" of your messages, the more likely it is.

Importantly! You should not chase the profits and write about what you think will bring more money. There is usually a lot of competition in these areas and you won't be able to break through and get any traffic, especially if you are a beginner.

2. Choosing a blog name

This may seem like the easiest step to blogging. Short and simple options are best when you come up with a blog name. You want to have something that your readers can easily remember, but also something that explains the purpose of the blog.

Be creative and original, but keep in mind that the easier it is to pronounce and memorize the title, the more likely your readers will come back to you.

3. Blog domain

Choosing a host can be challenging. Blog hosting websites are competitive and as easy to find as A2 Hosting, but sometimes too many options can be difficult to choose from. I suggest checking out the blogs you visit frequently.

Are they hosted on WordPress or Blogger with easy navigation, or are they hosted on their own private domain and a little more personalized?

In fact, there is no need to devote too much time to this step. Most of the most common sites you find for yourself offer free hosting, comprehensive layouts and step-by-step templates so you can enjoy the actual blogging as soon as possible.

4. Getting traffic to your site

The reason you want to blog in the first place is simple: you are trying to reach an audience for a specific item or product, and "audience" is the best word. You can blog until you're tired, but if you don't have readers, what's the use of your business?

Use keywords to make your blog more search engine friendly and user friendly. Research shows that over three billion searches are performed on Google every day. While keywords will continue to help, you should also make sure that you include information in your blog that users will find useful.

Blogs that use too many keywords and insufficient quality information will be less likely to appear on SEO searches, which means less attention is directed to your site.

Turn other social networks into your blog tactics. Most hosts offer a convenient and simple option that allows you to automatically tweet from your Twitter account when adding a new blog post.

 Sharing new content on existing social networking sites such as Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and even Facebook will help drive traffic to your blog.

Many blogging platforms provide you with statistics for your readers in custom settings, but even if they don't, Google Analytics has a free service to track these statistics for you. This will allow you to actually see where your blog visitors are coming from, and adjust it accordingly to drive traffic.

5. Size matters

The more information your blog contains, the more likely it will appear in the search results of a reader or potential customer.

However, information overload can be an important consideration, so be sure to stick to the topic by keeping the message interesting and not writing down the 1500 words about the origin of the chewing gum. Since keywords are not as useful since you introduced the Hummingbird algorithm to Google, make sure that you are actively working to provide useful information, rather than simply stuffing those keywords with unnecessary blog posts.

6. Be consistent

This may not be such an important aspect, but successful blogging requires some organizational skills.

It is crucial for the success of your blog to keep track of tasks to keep a diary, planning future posts and sticking to a plan. Readers will rely on a specific publication schedule, and you will see that traffic statistics will drop sharply if you allow too long a gap between posts.

There are many resources available to help you keep track of scheduling, from spreadsheets to downloadable journal pages. Just find the right one for you.

7. Comply with legal requirements

Yes, this may seem like a bit of a bad idea. I mean, this is a blog. What can you do to break the law? Answer: copyright.

Of course, there is much more to it, but unless you plan to start a blog with gossip that could potentially “gift” you with a mis information lawsuit, copyright is the most important thing to remember.

Be original. This is consistent with tips for knowing your audience and their interests, and doesn't go too far from the topic. But it's also important to keep in mind that research that is even conducted on the Internet must be cited.

Nowadays, there is unlimited access to knowledge. The information is there for anyone who just wants to reach out and get it. Of course, there is nothing shameful about collecting information and statistics from various websites or even other blogs, but be sure to tell your readers where it came from.

For example, photos. This is what few people actually consider copyright infringement. A good blogger never copies another person's opinion word for word without proper citation. They will write their own opinion. This rarely happens with blog posts.

How many people do you know who are going to spend time and energy researching their topic, writing an interesting post, and then going to take photos of themselves to include in the message? In fact, this is not the case. But let's not forget that photographers are artists who invest their time and energy (not to mention know-how) into getting these images that people usually then get at their disposal.