Today in this article I will tell you about How to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free in 2019. If you want to know about these 6 ways to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free then keep reading article.

How to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free in 2019?

There are some amazing blogger success stories that are about the people who started the blog and made it rich. Mashable founder Pete Kashmore makes about $ 7.2 million a year and TechCrunch's Michael Arrington makes about $ 10 million a year.

Of course, for every millionaire blogger, there are millions of other bloggers who aren't very drawn. Becoming an overnight Daddy Warbucks may not be in your future, you can monetize your blog quickly from day one  and start making some money. Over time, and with hard work, you can simply get into those six figures of monthly revenue that give the wealthiest bloggers their value.

Once your blog is securely established, there are many different ways to monetize your blog. Plan ahead so you can grow and maybe even sell your blog a smart business one day.

Your first step is to decide what your limits are.

Do you want to advertise on your site? What type of advertising will you accept? What type of advertising will you ban from your site? What percentage of ads against content do you want?

Be careful, because if site visitors and search engines see your site as spam, you will be ranked.

After you make some recommendations for the types and number of ads you accept, they appear Many different ways you can start to raise money as a new blogger.

Method # 1: Sell your ad directly

How to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free in 2019?

Until your site generates sufficient traffic, advertisers will probably not be interested in placing ads on your site.

In the beginning, take the time to create the next one and you will have more success selling ads. Ads can appear on your site in many ways.

Banner Advertising ,Text Advertising ,Article as an Ad Overview

When placing an ad on your site to make sure you feel comfortable with the content of that ad or the product that the person is selling. Remember that your readers have an obligation to provide them with the best information possible, including only links to products you are ready to use.

Also, be prepared for your ad. If it's in the form of an article or review, add a warning that it's paid to advertise. Your readers will appreciate your honesty.

Method # 2: Affiliate Sales

How to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free in 2019?

The beauty of affiliate sales is that you don't even have to create the products they offer on your blog. As an affiliate, you can make money simply by selling other people's products. However, if you offer low-quality products or things that your readers will be dissatisfied with, you run the risk of permanently losing those readers and possibly damaging your reputation.

This is great advice. Before you promote something, try it. Make sure it's worth promoting. If you make this policy before connecting your product, your readers will appreciate your integrity. You will also be able to offer an honest review that encourages them to try this item.

Method # 3: Sell your own product

How to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free in 2019?

If you don't like to sell other people's products, consider creating your own products. Whether it's the new software that helps business owners, cookware, or instruction manuals, there are many different things you can create and offer on your website.

Books and educational videos are the most common. These items are based solely on your knowledge of your niche. They go a little deeper than short blog posts or offer highly specialized information. It's easy to get books through platforms like Amazon Kindle Publishing and Smashwords. You can learn more about publishing your own blog as a blogger here.

Method # 4: Membership Site

How to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free in 2019?

Speaking of specialized information, some blog owners have decided to create a separate area where the best articles or videos are based. Participants can access this information. You can encourage people to sign up for membership by offering a short excerpt to encourage the reader to subscribe.

There are several keywords to help you make your membership area more successful:

Keep membership fairly reasonable. Think of $ 5 / month instead of $ 5 / day. Featuring quality articles, videos, guest speakers, and more, your members are offered. Nobody wants to pay for membership in something that is never updated. Payments are repeated. Use PayPal or another periodic billing model to pay and cancel your membership fees automatically. This is a huge time saver.

Method # 5: Coaching

How to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free in 2019?

One-on-one coaching can add another source of revenue to your blog. Let's say you write a small business blog. There are many people out there who want to start their own business. Offer training sessions that will help someone start the process. Life coaches make good money.

According to Forbes, approximately 20% of the 100,000 plus coaches earn six-figure incomes. Your blog can serve as a stepping stone for a successful coaching career. A workout usually consists of a monthly packet of one-to-one phone calls, from 30 to 60, with approximately three or four monthly calls. So, within four to eight hours of your time, you can earn about $ 200.00, depending on the course you plan to take.

Method # 6: Google AdSense.

How to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free in 2019?

Google Adsense is the best way to monetize your blog quickly from day one.
Although you might think that we have already discussed advertising above, Google AdSense deserves a mention, since so many blogs pay for AdSense revenue. There are a few things to keep in mind about AdSense:

Google adheres to its AdSense policy. AdSense accounts for about 1 / 3rd of Google's revenue, so they're not going to put up with violating their policies. You will probably lose your AdSense account if you try. No more than three ads per page. In any case, this is good for you because it will cause your site not to be too heavy. You will need a lot of quality content to attract readers. You will need a lot of readers to make money and these readers need to review and click on your ads

Google continues to modify its algorithms, which can affect site traffic and, in turn, AdSense revenue. Back in 2012, Google created a huge algorithm with Panda. Some sites that made thousands a month suddenly saw an almost complete fall in AdSense revenue. Writers lost income were fired, and many lives were adversely affected by these changes.

Google's goal was to stop rewarding low-quality content. It can be argued that some site owners got caught in the crossfire that had quality sites, but as soon as Google made it out, that's all.

That being said, I do not consider it necessary to mention AdSense without warning you that revenue from this source may change dramatically during the night. It's best to have several different sources of revenue or revenue streams. So, if someone disappears, you still make money on your blog.

Method # 7: Product reviews

How to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free in 2019?

You can also monetize your blog quickly from day one by paying for product reviews.

With the paid review, the company sends you a product to try and sometimes pay you. You will then give an honest review of the product and place it on your site. Here are a few things you may want to keep in mind:

Decide in advance if you post negative reviews. How will you handle this if the company pays you to watch their product and hate it? Will you return some of their money? Post a negative review? Adopt a policy in advance, and it will be easier to adopt. Be aware of your readers. Tell them you paid for either the goods and the cash to see the goods. It is not fair to act as an item - it is something that you came out and tried on your own if you paid for it. Be aware of the advertiser. Let them know that you list it as a paid review and what will happen if you don't like their products.

Profit streams

As mentioned above, developing multiple streams of revenue is one of the smartest solutions you can use as a blogger.

If one type of income dries, you will have other cash. The ideas above will get you started but stay tuned for new online business ideas or more ways to make money. The blog can also serve as a platform for starting a career or consulting business.

I hope you have enough knownledge about How to monetize your blog quickly from day one for free in 2019? If you have any question about blog moetization then you can ask me in comment section.

Tell me which platform you have decided to choose to monetize your blog quickly.

Thanks for reading....